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1Results: The authors identified and replicated 28 independent GRNs active in CAD.
2The antibody titer in serum was determined by ELISA using biotin-conjugated GRN.
3Several important genes were revealed based on the rewiring of the reconstructed GRNs.
4Deep sequencing of families exhibiting late-onset dementia revealed several novel variants in GRN.
5Here, we use computational models of GRNs to investigate this relationship.
6Dynamic GRNs at four different stages of colorectal cancer were reconstructed and analyzed.
7The same method can potentially be used to find homeostasis regions in other GRNs.
8In support of this hypothesis, we show that the feed-forward loop GRN produces homeostasis.
9How assortativity influences the robustness of the signal-integration logic of GRNs remains an open question.
10This instrument is supplemented by a set of cognitive tests, prospectively validated in the GRNS.
11Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) drive the cellular processes that sustain life.
12Screening for GRN mutations should also be considered in CBS patients without a positive family history.
13This finding opens avenues for future research into GRN biology and the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases.
14Our data provide basic molecular information useful for the further investigation on the function of GRN gene.
15This study also showed a wide range in plasma GRN levels in non-GRN mutation carriers, including controls.
16We previously hypothesized that a neural crest gene regulatory network (NC-GRN) guides neural crest formation.